Tag «23.0311piday»

23.0308 Pi(e) Day Registration is now closed!

Registration for Saturday’s Pi Day Event is FULL and has now closed. If you have already registered, our event organizer will contact you soon with details about how you can participate. Sorry if you missed the signup, but keep checking the upcoming events on our site as there will be more events coming up!

23.0218 Pi(e) Day is coming!

P–I–E Pie! P–I–E Pie! P–I–E Pie! 3.14 Pi! 3.141 Pi! 3.1415 Pi! Okay we can do this all day long and never come to its end.. But the GEAR Sponsored Pi(e) Day is coming up on March 11, 2023. I know you’re going to say it is not EXACTLY 3.14, but if it’s close enough …