Calling all 6th-9th grade Students & Families!
Course registration at the high school can be a daunting task. Are you ready for it?
Here is your chance to ask a select panel of high school aviators directly! YOUR questions on courses, clubs, sports, activities, and any other question you may have on ‘How to High School!’ GEAR will host its 20th annual Student to Student Forum on January 25th at the Sycamore Junior High. Mark your calendars and remember to register for this informative event!
Click on the image below to be taken to the Student-to-Student Forum Event page with all the details!!
This event is sponsored by Sycamore GEAR – Gifted Education Advocacy and Resources. You do not need to have children in gifted services to participate, but we encourage you to become a member to enjoy more of the events and services we can provide. You can pay for membership at